%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% ## ## #### #### ## ## #### ### %% %% ## ## ## ## # ### ### ## ## %% %% ##### ### ## # ## # ## ### ## %% %% oleBuzzard's FAMOUS LOGIN Modification %% %% ## ## #### ## # ## ## #### ### %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%28-Dec-93%%% INTRODUCTION ATTENTION ALL HERMES SYSOPS! Do you ever get bored of you logon looking like this. Enter Name, Number or New. NN: Butthead Unknown User Enter Name, Number or New NN: 1 PW: XXXXXXX PH: XXX-XXX-XXXX SY: SYSOP (Beep) ILLEGAL LOGON! Enter Name, Number or New NN: 37 PW: XXXXXX PH: 800-852-XXXX Sorry, you have called too many times. Well if you are and you want to jazz up your logon a bit, then try my famous logon mod. The mod is relativley easy to make and it will get you compliments galore since its the only one in existence for Hermes. If you want a preview then gimme a call (see ad at document bottom). Ok, making the mod is fairly easy although some what time consuming. There is no hard wire mod to speak of, the magic of the login modification is the product of ANSi commands and precise (very, very little room for alteration) spacing. The mod can be made with either ResEdit 6.x or Sam Shafritz STR# Edit if modifying Hermes 2.x. Modifying Hermes II is done with in the Hermes application itself with the Text Edit option. ANSi COMMANDS Before we get into the mods it might be useful to know what ANSi commands are used and what for. The following is the short list of commands used and if your good at ANSi then you can invision in your head what it does. When actually making the mod, the words in { } are commands to be literally followed, i.e. {9 Spaces} means hit the space bar 9 times. *IMPORTANT* Although the following ANSi commands begin with Esc it is best to enter them as CTRL-CLEAR then [. When editing in mod the CTRL-CLEAR should produce the no character sign (a one character space, upright rectangular box). *ALSO* The ANSi commands are case sensitive and must be entered in lower or upper case as necessary. Esc[0m - All off. (Refers to Bold, Flashing, Underline, etc) Esc[1m - Bold on. Esc[A - Up Esc[B - Down Esc[C - Right Esc[D - Left THE LOGIN MODIFICATION Enough with commands, now on with the mods. All mods are made to STR#17,x. Modifications to Hermes 2.x can be made with ResEdit or STR# Edit 1.6 or later. Mods to Hermes II are made via the new Text edit option from the Dialog screen. If you're using ResEdit you need to open the STR# and then double click on ID = 17. The following mods are numbered as concurrent with Hermes 2.x. Numbers are not used for Hermes II, so look for the text in the program that concurs with that in this file and make the mods accordingly. STR#17,13 --- Was: Enter Number, Name or New Change To: {Highlight text and hit DELETE} STR#17,14 --- Was: NN: Change To: Esc[0m{9 spaces}ACCT:Esc[BEsc[DEsc[DEsc[DEsc[DEsc[DPASS: Esc[BEsc[DEsc[DEsc[DEsc[DEsc[DSCND:Esc[AEsc[AEsc[1m Note Space Note Bracket STR#17,17 --- Was: Unknown User \ / BEFORE Esc Change To: Esc[0mEsc[BEsc[BEsc[B{10 spaces}?-ERR [Esc[1mNO USEREsc [0m]{8 spaces}Esc[AEsc[AEsc[AEsc[AEsc[AEsc[AEsc[A \ Note Bracket AFTER ANSi Command STR#17,18 --- Was: PW: Change To: Esc[C{Repeat 13 more times, 14 total}Esc[1m STR#17,19 --- Was: PH: Change To: Esc[C{Repeat 13 more times, 14 total}Esc[1m STR#17,20 --- Was: SY: Change To: {9 spaces}ADMN:Esc[1m STR#17,21 --- Was: Sorry, you have called too many times. Change To: {9 spaces}?-ERR [Esc[1mTOO MANY CALLSEsc[0m] / \ / Note Space Note Brackets Before/After ANSi Commands \ Note Space / \ STR#17,22 --- Was: Illegal Logon! \ / \ Change To: {9 spaces}Esc[0m?-ERR [Esc[1mFALSE LOGINEsc[0m]Esc[A Esc[AEsc[AEsc[AEsc[AEsc[AEsc[A Well thats it, now you have oB's Famous Hermes Login Mod. Of course I'm sure you want to be original (who doesn't) and you'll probably want to alter this mod to your taste. Well the only thing I can tell you is that it is not easy. the spacing is precise in every way. Any more or less space and everyting gets fucked up. You can try and see wat you can come up with, I really won't mind, but my personal opinion is: leave well enough alone. Oh yeah, one last little tidbit. This file should be accompanied with the modified STR# which can be easily patched into Hermes 2.x with no mess. In this instance this file (the one your reasing) is essentially worthles. If however you are running Hermes II then the STR# is worthless and your life depends on this file (The one your still reading). Well thats it, and look for other oB files. Oh, and be sure to call... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- oleBuzzard's kn0wledge phreak % sUmthyn lykE 4000+ text fylez % F.U.C.K. AC 719.578.8288--NUP = NO NUP % hAck/phrEAk/AnArky/vIrII/cArd % Distrogh 24oo-14.4ooKiloBaud-Open 24/7 % n0 phUckyn lAmEr wArEz do0dz! % Syghtte! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------